Pressekonferenz vor dem Austrian World Summit mit Aktivist*innen aus stark betroffenen Ländern

PA zur PK vorm AWS mit internationalen Aktivisti

E-Mail-Betreff: PK/Streik: Int. Klimaaktivist*innen aus den am stärksten betroffenen Ländern fordern Taten am Austrian World Summit. 

“Wir tragen die Konsequenzen eurer Politik!” - Internationale Fridays-For-Future-Aktivist*innen aus stark betroffenen Ländern machen bei einer Pressekonferenz in Wien auf die fatalen Auswirkungen der fehlenden Klimapolitik aufmerksam.

Im Rahmen des Austrian World Summits hat sich eine internationale Delegation von Fridays-For-Future-Aktivist*innen in Wien für eine Pressekonferenz mit anschließendem Klimastreik eingefunden. Bei der Pressekonferenz machen Sprecherinnen, Ilyess El Kortbi (Ukraine), Hamria Kobusingye (Uganda), Vanessa Nakate (Uganda), zusammen mit internationalen Klimaaktivistinnen auf die Lebensbedrohliche Lage aufmerksam. Ziel der Pressekonferenz war es, MAPA (Most Affected People and Areas), also Menschen aus Ländern, die nur sehr wenig zur Klimakrise beitragen, aber am stärksten von ihr betroffen sind, einen Raum zu geben, um ihre Anliegen und Schicksale zu teilen. 

Zitate von Ilyess El Kortbi von FFF Ukraine

Die Auswirkungen hat Ilyess El Kortbi von FFF Ukraine an eigener Haut erfahren: “Viele Konflikte sind verknüpft mit der Ausbeutung fossiler Ressourcen wie Öl und Gas. Auch der Krieg in der Ukraine ist ein fossiler Krieg.”. Die sich daraus ergebende Forderung ist für ihn glasklar: “Ich möchte Klimagerechtigkeit und ein Ende des Verbrauchs fossiler Energien. Ich fordere ein Embargo für den Frieden, ein Embargo auf alle russischen fossilen Brennstoffe, ein volles Embargo, jetzt.”  Mit Blick auf de Austria World Summit, sagte er: “Die Menschheit wird sich an die Folgen der Klimakrise erinnern, aber nicht an die leeren Versprechen der Politik.”

Zitate von Hamira Kobusingye vom Rise Up Movement Africa

Hamira Kobusingye ist eine Klimagerechtigkeits Aktivistin aus Uganda. Ihre Leidenschaft und ihr Wunsch ist es, eine Welt mit Klimagerechtigkeit und Geschlechtergerechtigkeit zu schaffen.“Ich komme aus einem Slum und Uganda. Ich habe sieben Geschwister, die versuchen, Feldfrüchte anzubauen und zur Schule zu gehen, doch die Klimakrise zerstört die Ernten und meine Eltern können meine Geschwister nicht in die Schule schicken.” “Für den globalen Norden ist die Klimakrise 20 oder 30 Jahre in der Zukunft. In meinem Land ist die Klimakatastrophe schon heute Realität.”

Zitate von Vanessa Nakate vom Rise Up Movement Africa
Vanessa Nakate ist eine Aktivistin für Klimagerechtigkeit aus Kampala, Uganda. Sie ist die Gründerin des Rise Up-Movements, die afrikanischen Klimaaktivist*innen eine Plattform bietet. In ihrem Statement sagte sie: “Investitionen in Erneuerbare Energien braucht es insbesondere im globalen Süden. Der globale Norden muss hierfür Geld zur Verfügung stellen. Doch wo bleibt dieses Geld? Show us the money!” Zusätzlich betont sie, dass “die Staats- und Regierungschefs alle Finanzierungen für die Entwicklung neuer fossiler Brennstoffe einstellen müssen und dringend Maßnahmen ergreifen, um die Mittel für erneuerbare Energien sofort und massiv aufzustocken.” Am Schluss erinnert sie nochmals eindringlich, dass “die gefährdeten Bevölkerungsgruppen am wenigsten zur Klimakrise beigetragen haben, aber bereits unter deren schlimmsten Auswirkungen leide.”

“Im Vorfeld des Austrian World Summit haben wir mit einer Delegation von internationalen Aktivist*innen in einem offener Brief an Bundeskanzler Nehammer zu einem Gespräch eingeladen, doch Karl Nehammer will sich mit den Jugendlichen, die am stärksten unter den Folgen der Klimakrise leiden, nicht treffen. Auch an dem Summit wird er nicht teilnehmen. Das zeigt, dass Klimaschutz für Österreichs Kanzlers wenig Priorität hat”, stellt Klara König (FFF Austria) fest. Am 13.06 versammeln sich die Klimaaktivistinnen  um 13:00 am Josefsplatz für einen Klimastreik, und am 14.06. werden die Aktivistinnen beim Austrian World Summit teilnehmen, um auch vor Ort ihre Forderung einzubringen.

Weitere Informationen zu der Pressekonferenz und zum Streik finden Sie auf unserer Webseite: 

Ort und Zeit des Klimastreiks: 

13.06.2022, 13:00. Am Josefsplatz in Wien

Link zu den Pressefotos der Aktion und Audio-Mitschnitt der Pressekonferenz(ab 14 Uhr):

Link zum Stream der Pressekonferenz:

Rückfragen & Kontakt:
Fridays for Future Austria: Klara König +43 68120304920
Rise Up Movement: Joshua Omonuk +256 759292251

Voller Redebeitrag von Ilyess El Kortbi (FFF Ukraine, FFF MAPA)


My name is Ilyess El Kortbi, I am a Climate Justice Activist, I am from Ukraine,

Today I am here to speak about Peace and Justice

People say ‘that the war in my homeland Ukraine “shouldn’t happen”,

‘that nobody was expecting for It.

Probably ‘that “Wars are not expected to happen”

- just as the “Climate Crisis shouldn’t happen Today aswell”.

In my hands I hold a sign, that I was using

since my first Climate Strikes in Kharkiv, from 2019

- It says “Youth for Climate”, in Ukrainian.

I have joined the Youth Climate Movement, because I have seen

how “Together we can make a change” in the planet

All we were demanding - is a Safe Future, and a Just Life

To Stop the Climate Crisis by listening to the best united science

to keep Global Warming under 1.5 Degrees.


In 2022 I left Ukraine, “a Climate War” happening for more than 3 months.

Because rich countries like in Europe - continue to “rely” on the Fossil Fuel Industry.

From day-to-day - they make normal citizens spend up to 1 Billion Euro

Leaders continue to impose "fossil energy" on people, calling it "the only one available."

In Ukraine, we say "free cheese can only be found in a mousetrap"

This war shouldn’t happen - just as shouldn’t happen the Climate Crisis.

But all these months I have seen how Leaders continue their work “as usual”

When there is no time - We Need to Act Now

With me I bear the flag of the Ukrainian “Fridays For Future” National Group,

A Standard of Youth, Children among others

who are wishing a Safe Future, a Just Life

Now, they are “wishing Peace” but continue to speak “for Climate”,

on the Destroyed Streets, on War Ruins”””.

This year I am 25, and..

all I dream of - is getting back to my previous life!

I couldn’t sleep today - I had dreams of another Kharkiv

another Ukraine - that should have exist.

Now 3 of my friends no longer have a future - 3 of them no longer have a life.

I have a question to leaders

“ If you are allowing Massive Destructions from wars happening, next to you in Europe

Are you very able to think of the Most Affected People and Areas

Who suffers from Climate Catastrophes?”

Today, Conferences and Summits on Climate Change are taking place for over 30 years

- But if Real Action was here:

There should have been No war in my country,

Just as there should have been Any Climate Crisis

You say you #StandWithUkraine, that you value Peace and Democracy -

but you are funding a dictator, in the middle of an Armed Conflict he started!

IMAGINE a Kindergarten group,

same amount of Children get injured or killed everyday in Ukraine!

You are destroying homes, almost 2K schools got damaged by war in Ukraine only

So you can not say to me that you #StandWithUkraine - until you stop giving money to

Energy Autocrats.

War in Ukraine only - have made over 15 Million people who left their home,

Among them - almost 7 and Half Million refugees in Europe.

- People want return to their homes

“ We need Climate Justice, stop spending on the obsolete Fossil Fuels, Stop

supporting the "Autocrats, Dictators and Oligarchs" who own it and who start wars.

There are no options - Peace and Democracy have a price.

I didn't choose to flee my country, I had to: So I am here, now - because of the war in

my homeland. A war financed by Fossil Energy,

Dictator’s Gaz, Oil and Coal that “Leaders” make people like you buy’’’’ by Today.

Fossil Fuels, that Science Call “Main Climate Crisis Cause”

Fossil Fuels are also causing war in my home.

Wars and Climate Crisis are happening because of resources we no longer need.

“ Davos, Stockholm, and Bonn… I am starting losing count of Days in Conferences and

Summits I had to attend.

But you make me no choice than just continue

Today in Bonn - a UN Climate Change conference is happening,

same time when another

starts just right here - to where I need to come with all of my friends again, and moving again

You make me feel absurd.

“Dear Leaders” I want to say you goodbye, but I won’t,

Because we are watching you - until you act!

Thank you!

Redebeitrag von Vanessa Nakate

Fossil fuels are the biggest source of CO2.  Fossil fuels drive the extinction crisis through climate impacts. Fossil fuels undermine every single sustainable development goal.


The IPCC, an ever growing number of economists and faith leaders – and even the IEA – are all very clear: We must end finance for all new fossil fuels [coal, oil and gas] immediately. The IPCC was also very clear: We have to control methane - the main component of gas - and methane is around 80 times more powerful than CO2 at trapping heat in Earth’s atmosphere. Some call gas a bridge fuel. If it's "a bridge", it's a bridge to Hell.


Please stop calling gas "natural". The word "natural" is a marketing effort to try to pretend gas is "clean" or "green". It's neither of those things. Please call it what it is: "fossil gas"

As UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres says: “Investing in new fossil fuels infrastructure is moral and economic madness.”

 Fossil fuels are destroying livelihoods.

The leaders must end all finance for new fossil fuel development and take urgent action to immediately and massively scale up funding for renewable energy.


Funding for renewable energy is especially needed in the Global South, where countries urgently need to help lift people out of energy poverty.


These vulnerable communities have done the least to create the climate crisis – but they are already suffering its worst impacts.


And the Global North – which has caused the climate crisis – has for years promised to get funding to countries like mine to help them secure clean, affordable and reliable energy. Where is that money? Show us the money. The Global South has a right to access clean, affordable energy.

The Global North could help countries for example in Africa to leapfrog dirty, toxic fossil fuels and use renewable energy to ensure that our schools, hospitals and homes are powered by clean energy; to ensure that children breathe air that doesn’t poison their lungs, brains and hearts; to ensure that we leave no one behind.

What we hold on to are promises. In promises, we find hope and confidence. When these promises are broken, we find discouragement and distrust- There is no action, there is no climate finance.

 Finance is being offered late and in the form of loans with eye-wateringly high interest rates.

 More profit on top of mountains of profit for the Global North.

 More debt on top of mountains of debt for the Global South. People pushing countries in Africa to create new fossil fuel infrastructure would be forcing Africans to take on even more debt.

We also need to talk about loss and damage. We need a loss and damage facility.

 We know there is far too little evidence of the $100 billion per year that was promised by developed countries to help climate vulnerable countries adapt to the devastating impacts of the climate crisis.

 In fact, those funds were promised to arrive by 2020 but they have not been delivered.

 But for many of us in the Global South, reducing emissions and adapting to climate change is no longer enough.

You cannot adapt to lost cultures, traditions and history. Islands and coastlines are sinking.

 You cannot adapt to starvation.

You cannot adapt to extinction.

 The climate crisis is pushing many communities beyond their ability to “adapt”.

We are out of time.

We cannot wait any longer.

We need action

We must end all new fossil fuel development.

And we must help the countries who have done so little to cause this crisis but who are already suffering from its impacts.

Redebeitrag von Hamira Kobusingye

For the global north the climate change Crisis is an issue of 20 - 30 years away , back at home  in my country the catastrophe is already happening.

Whenever a forest is cut down for the benefit of the global north, small scale holder farmer in Africa loses their planting for the season due too much sunshine or to heavy rains causing flooding.

The continued careless investment in Fossil fuels by global north governments has left Africa with deadly droughts and floods.

The south Africa Floods didn't just wash away homes farms and businesses they also claimed lives. People where left homeless and many in debt. In Uganda the April floods in East and western Uganda left so many girls at risk of early marriage since they were the only source of income and food the floods had left their fathers with, least the whole family dies of hunger.

The Droughts and flooding in west Africa that have left a deadly food crisis with almost 30million people in need of emergency food assistance in nations such as Burkina Faso, Niger, Chad and Nigeria.

According to United Nations, Children are suffering deeply with estimates of towards 7million children age of 5 years and under will be acutely malnourished this year. Young girls will also face the problem- being forced into early marriage or facing gender based violence.

The Eastern African drought “the suffering here has no equal “ - this is a statement according to BBC. the lands are dry, dusty and barren. Children are malnourished and starved to death the situation has been going on for close to 4 years now.

Mothers have resorted to sacrificing themselves to feed the children and elderly. Animals both wild and domestic have died and WFP says that 20 million people in east Africa are at risk of severe hunger.

We can’t require Africa to adapt to this kind of terror.

 This is a one year report multiply it by the 30 year you think we have will Africa still be standing and this is the situation in all regions of Africa.

A continent that is only responsible for less than 4% of global emissions

Action must be taken right away in an equitable and justifying way - climate justice for Africa.

__________________________ ENDE_______________

"We bear the consequences of your policies!" - International Fridays-For-Future activists from the most affected countries call attention to the fatal consequences of the lack of climate policies at a press conference in Vienna.

As part of the Austrian World Summit, an international delegation of Fridays-For-Future activists gathered in Vienna for a press conference followed by a climate strike. At the press conference, speakers Vanessa Nakate (Uganda), Ilyess El Kortbi (Ukraine), Hamria Kobusingye (Uganda) and other international climate activists drew attention to their special perspectives. The aim of the press conference was to give MAPA (Most Affected People and Areas), so people from countries that contribute very little to the climate crisis but are most affected by it, a space to share their concerns and impressions. 

Quotes from Ilyess El Kortbi of FFF Ukraine

Ilyess El Kortbi of FFF Ukraine has experienced the impact first hand: "Many conflicts are linked to the exploitation of fossil resources such as oil and gas. The war in Ukraine is also a fossil war.". The resulting demand is crystal clear for him: "I want climate justice and an end to the consumption of fossil fuels. I demand an embargo for peace, an embargo on all Russian fossil fuels, a full embargo, now."  Referring to the Austria World Summit, he said, "Humanity will remember the consequences of the climate crisis, but not the empty promises of politicians.

Quotes from Hamira Kobusingye of the Rise Up Movement Africa

Hamira Kobusingye is a climate justice activist from Uganda. Her passion and desire is to create a world with climate justice and gender justice. "I come from a slum and Uganda. I have seven siblings trying to grow crops and go to school, but the climate crisis is destroying the crops and my parents can't send my siblings to school." "For the global north, the climate crisis is 20 or 30 years in the future. In my country, the climate catastrophe is already a reality."

Quotes from Vanessa Nakate of Rise Up Movement Africa

Vanessa Nakate is a climate justice activist from Kampala, Uganda. She is the founder of the Rise Up Movement, which provides a platform for African climate activists*. In her statement, she said: "Investment in renewable energy is especially needed in the Global South. The global North must provide money for this. But where is this money? Show us the money!" In addition, she stressed that "leaders must stop all funding for new fossil fuel development and take urgent action to immediately and massively increase funding for renewable energy." She concludes with another urgent reminder that "vulnerable populations have contributed least to the climate crisis, but are already suffering its worst impacts."

"In the run-up to the Austrian World Summit, a delegation of international activists sent an open letter to Chancellor Nehammer inviting him to a meeting, but Karl Nehammer does not want to meet with the young people who are suffering the most from the consequences of the climate crisis. He will also not attend the summit. This shows that climate protection has little priority for Austria's Chancellor," notes Klara König (FFF Austria). On June 13 the climate activists gather at 1 p.m. at the Josefsplatz for a climate strike and on June 14 the activists will participate in the Austrian World Summit, in order to share their demands publicy. 

More information about the press conference and the strike can be found on our website: 

Location and time of the climate strike: 

13.06.2022, 13:00. at Josefsplatz.

Link for press photos of the action (from 14:00): 

Link to the stream of the press conference: 

Questions & contact:
Fridays for Future Austria: Klara König +43 68120304920
Rise Up Movement: Joshua Omonuk +256 759292251